SPD - the Simple Password Displayer/ Documentation
  1. General usage
  2. The Datafile (~/.spd/spd_data.gpg)
    1. Decrypted Example
      1. First line
    2. Editing

General usage

% spd --help
SPD - Simple Password Displayer - Version 0.1pre

Syntax: spd [options]|<search patterns>

  --help    | -h    : display this wonderful help
  --edit    | -e    : edit the password-file with vi
  --import  | -i    : import a cleartext-file
  --config  | -c    : use configfile instead of the standard ones
  --passfile| -p    : use passfile instead of the one set in spd.conf
  --local   | -l    : use local passfile instead of the shared one
  --force   | -f    : forcing some operations
  --create      : to create the file (just to use with the -e flag)

to handle the passfile:
  --delete-column   : delete a column by number or word of the description

With no parameters it will print out everything!

a manpage will follow.


The Datafile (~/.spd/spd_data.gpg)

you may just decrypt it manually by

% gpg -d ~/.spd/spd_data.gpg

Decrypted Example

Host    IP  User    Password    Description
My Router admin   5p3r$afe    Linksys WRT54GL

First line

The First line carries your descriptions. This is completely free, you may have 2 or 100 collumns here.

Host    IP  URL User    Password    Description
My Router admin   5p3r$afe    Linksys WRT54GL

So this works, too!


At the moment you need to use your favourite $EDITOR (ours is of course VIM), by typing

% spd -e

but it is planned to develop parameters like --add and --delete, as soon as the serverside is done, as you may see in our Roadmap.