SPD - the Simple Password Displayer/ FAQ
  1. Understanding spd.conf
  2. How can I create a passfile ?
  3. How can I edit a passfile ?
  4. What has a passfile to look like?
  5. Can I use different configuration Files?
  6. Can I use different passfiles?
  7. Can I use a local passfile even if I configured a shared one?
  8. How can I import other Files and what do they need to look like?

Understanding spd.conf

Configurating the simple password displayer is a really easy thing. The First thing you need to configure are your GPG Settings. Once a sample configuration File is generated you see the following:

# Here are all the default-values
## What is your GPG-ID?(needed)
## Which users do you share your passfile with? (optional)

In Line 5 you can define your Name and your GPG-ID. change


for example to

andrew = 123a456b

You don't need to define your real name here if you're not using a shared passfile. If using a shared passfile the script uses the name you defined to create the lockfile. After declaring your username you have to tell the script which you want to use. You can declare some people and do not use them too. Fact is you have to tell which person is YOU. Therefore you can change the following line


to for example

YOUR_ID = andrew

If you want to encrypt your passfile with more than just your gpg you can it with changing


to something like

peter = 135f246g369
tom = 111a222c333

you see as you defined your username and your gpg-id before you can now use your username as a static variable. Now its the same as with your own ID. Change



TRUSTED_IDS = peter tom

As you can read you have to define your local Passfile now. You need a local passfile even if you use a shared one. So change

# PASSFILE = /home/username/.spd/spd_data.gpg

to something like

PASSFILE = /home/andrew/.spd/spd_data.gpg

We're now reaching the following

## Specify a Shared PASSFILE here (optional)
# SHARED_PASSFILE = /home/username/.shared/spd_data.gpg

First of all you need to understand WHAT a shared passfile is. If you're working for example in the IT Department of a Company and you need to share a Passfile with your collegues you can create a passfile on the networkshare and use it alltogether with your colleagues. Everybody can use his own GPG Key (as you declared on top) and use the one and only passfile. If you're now losing networkconnectivity to your shared passfile it doesn't matter, because you still have your local one. Everytime you're changing or just reading the passfile it checks whether your local passfile is up2date or not and asks you if you wnat to replace it with the shared one. So if you mounted the networkdrive to /mnt/mynetwork and there is a file called sharedpassfile.gpg you can just replace

# SHARED_PASSFILE = /home/username/.shared/spd_data.gpg


SHARED_PASSFILE = /mnt/my_network/shared_passfile.gpg

Lets not lose too much time on the next thing. You can define here some colors used by printing out the search results.


defines which column it should print red on red (nobody which looks over your shoulder can read it)


just the colors your results are print (if defined)


I think thats clear, isn't it?

Reaching the optional MAIL part. If you want to you can define here which people shall reach your passfile once you edited it (or just email it to yourself to ever have an up2date copy available).

How can I create a passfile ?

If you do not have a passfile yet just use "spd --create -e" then it creates one automatically and with -e you can directly add data into it.

How can I edit a passfile ?

You can use the built-in "--add" functionality and interactively add data to the passfile or you call spd with "--edit" then it opens the passfile in your favourite text-editor and you can directly change data.

What has a passfile to look like?

First line of the passfile has to be the description of the columns. For example if your passfile should look like:

FIRST   : just
SECOND  : an
THIRD   : example

FIRST   : creating
SECOND  : the
THIRD   : passfile

Then the first line needs to look like:


After the Description you can add the data:

just    an  example
creating    the passfile

Can I use different configuration Files?

YES. You can use the build-in "--config" functionality, but do you need it? Every user can have its own standard configuration in $HOME/.spd/spd.conf. It depends on the user executing the script.

Can I use different passfiles?

YES. You can use the "--passfile" parameter.

Can I use a local passfile even if I configured a shared one?

For sure. You can use the "--passfile" option in conjunction with the "--local" option. If a shared Passfile is defined it ALWAYS checks if the file is reachable and compares with your local passfile. NOTE: If you give another passfile with the "--passfile" option it compares the shared passfile with this one.

How can I import other Files and what do they need to look like?

You need a tab-seperated list. It has to look like described in the "What has a passfile to look like" section.