Roadmap for SPD
This is neither complete, nor anthing you can count on. It's more something like a direction in which the project may go.
0.1 - "Money for Nothing"
- ported to perl
- initial documentation
- a working default-configuration
- a default datafile with initial dummy-data
- Y2K proof
0.2 - "Chicks for Free"
- a Makefile
- complete documentation for *nix (including MacOS X)
- a website on
0.3 - "Verräterpartei"
- Development is currently working here
- rewrite in Python
- integration in SubVersion, so there is an spd-server
- documentation how to setup the server
- offline and online mode
- additional serverside configuration for the clients, eg. for the IDs
- add support for renaming the executable to your personal political ideology (e.g. NPD: No Password Displayer, CDU: Cryptical Data Unit, PIRATEN: Professional Inspired Random Accessory To Ensure Nobodycanseeyourpasswords)
0.4 - ""
- add support for more than one passfile
- some kind of Access Control Lists or Groups
0.5 - ""
- one executable for Windows and *nix
- documentation how to setup in Windows
0.6 - ""
- Installer for Windows
0.9 - ""
- 100 Downloads a Day
1.0 - "ainzbungdnull"
- Graphical Client for Windows, Linux and MacOSX
2.0 - ""
- Worldpeace, because spd is so great and everybody is happy, nobody want's to fight anymore.